Encontro Mulheres_1412

With the objective of strengthening the role of women in the Xingu Indigenous Land, the Yamurikumã Association held the Meeting of Xingu Women in October 2013 in Canarana, in Mato Grosso State. The meeting brought together 350 women from 15 ethnic groups, and had the support of Instituto Catitu, of ATIX, SPDM / UNIFESP, FUNAI, the Socio-Environmental Institute and Rainforest of Japan.  The meeting was filmed entirely by Yure and Kujãesage, kawaiweté filmmakers capacitated in audiovisual workshops of Instituto Catitu.  Part of the agenda was to discuss the role that the Yamurikumã Association should exercise so that Xingu women have more political power and participation in decision-making within and outside of the Xingu Indigenous Land. It was evident as some of the reasons for the exclusion of women, their limited access to information, training and little coordination between them. Being a fairly new subject for most of them, the leaders present recommended further discussion in the villages and to involve more women. So the idea of ​​” Talk Circles of Xingu Women” project was born.

The project aims to bring together women of all ethnicities through 5 traveling talk circles in Xingu villages. In them we will discuss the concerns of women and define action strategies to strengthen women’s participation in discussions and decisions on important issues affecting their lives and communities, such as the current tourism project in indigenous areas, the construction of hydroelectric dams and roads in the nearby territory.

The video of the meeting was edited with women from Kuikuro Kamaiurá, Kawaiweté, Yawalapiti and Mehinako ethincities, who first translated the speeches in their languages and then recorded their voices to create versions. A demanding and meticulous work aimed at informing communities and women who were not present about the discussions and proposals that were presented. The video also aims to mobilize them for the design of the talk circles that should be held in 2014. The video is now being finalized and will be distributed to the Xingu communities soon.

The Xingu Indigenous Land Association (ATIX) was a major partner providing space at its headquarters in Canarana for video editing, as well as the director Kamikia Kisêdjê, who lent his editing room to help the team to complete the job.

Through this project Instituto Catitu aims to contribute to strengthening the role of Xingu women.